Serene Moment

The trainings in Japan have been completed and the other necessary preparations for the project seem almost complete. This means that the project is ready to be "live." For any kind projects, when you are implementing them, you need the careful preparation and then once you can see the preparation is well-done, as scheduled, you or someone else has to give a go-signal -- the project is going to be live.

But, sometimes or most of the times we may encounter the unpredictable difficulties or troubles. The more the project is novel and challenging, the more often we may encounter such cases. Some consider this tendency stressful, while others can enjoy it as something exciting. In my case, which type do I belong to? Am I enjoying something unpredictable as something exciting and challenging? Or, am I being stressed by these things? Probably the answer is, as I always say, the combination of things -- I am enjoying and yet at the same time being stressed.

One of the disadvantages when you are in such condition is that sometimes you cannot do some other things since you have been totally involved with what you are facing right now. Probably the reason why the update of my blog and website has become infrequent is this – consciously or unconsciously I have been overwhelmed by the recent new activities and environments – new jobs, new projects, new houses (I have recently moved) and so on. If I say, however, that I was not able to conduct my journaling because of the job-related busyness, then this excuse is not really good.

In my opinion, so-called journaling is one of the best ways to let you stay at the level of "witness." In other words, the serenity of mindfulness can be acquired only by such act of writing if not by meditation or prayer. Thus, the fact that the frequency of my writing has become less, shows that in the past several weeks I have missed a chance to become mindful from which I can witness the things around me. It is true that when we are busy we tend to miss a moment to conduct such a thing as journaling, meditation, payers, or else "going to church" if you are institutionally oriented.

What is ideal and important is that we should conduct such spiritual activities particularly when we are busy – when we tend to lose ourselves in the midst of the daily pressures. While the word such as "Sunday church goers" tend to be criticized as this act makes your spiritual moment just part of daily routines. However, if you can really have the serenity of mindfulness when you join the prayer in the church, then that is also greatly beneficial for your spiritual growth. The important thing is whether or not you have such spiritual moment whatever the way to approach the moment may be.

In such moment you can quietly witness yourself and tame your ego that contains the daily regrets, angers, fears and complaints, etc. Instead, in recognizing your own self that is conducting such witness, you can recover the sense of love, fearless, acceptance, and forgiveness. Your ego has been tamed and the negative dusts accumulated in your mind have been cleansed. Then, you are no longer afraid of what is going to come; you are no loner complaining with things and someone around you; and you stop blaming yourself and others because of what you and others have done in the past.

The serene moment of mindfulness has such power of cleansing and healing. And together with meditation and prayer, I think, journaling (writing) is one of the effective ways to have such moment.


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