
Showing posts from December, 2004

The Mind/Body Problem

Reading the book entitled " Mind, Language and Society " by John Searle, I had a chance to reflect again on the mind/body problem. Usually and traditionally in the field of philosophy what is called the mind/body problem is the ever discussed issue. That is to say, whether our consciousness is a kind of independent, substantial entity that can exist as it is without any external supports, or it is a just what is called "the ghost of the machines" – the peripheral illusion that easily disappears when the external support such as body (brain) does not exist. In short, the question was whether our human consciousness exists independently or it is just a reflection of our human bodily function. For many years a lot of thinkers and philosophers are discussing this issue in one way or another. And another variation of the mind/body problem is the question to ask whether or not what we see in our consciousness is really a true reflection of the so-called "external